Fact checked by Kirsten Yovino, CPT Brookbush Institute
One of the most popular and effective exercises for growing and strengthening your back muscles is the T-bar row. But, while it's a top-notch back-builder, it's not without its limitations.
For example, what if you can't set up the landmine or you don't have access to a T-bar row machine? Or, you've been performing this move for a long time and simply want to change things up?
The great news is that there is no shortage of excellent T-bar row substitutions. Not only will these T-bar alternatives provide you with different equipment options, but they also enable you to switch up training variables like grip and body position.
These changes allow you to hit your muscles from multiple angles and place stress on them differently, which is great for strength and hypertrophy. We're about to discuss the 9-best T-bar row alternatives for building your back muscles, in addition to training variables to consider, and step-by-step directions on how to perform each.
Table of Contents:
A T-bar row, which is similar to a bent-over row in terms of body positioning and overall movement mechanics, requires you to lift one side of a barbell loaded with plates, which is placed in between your legs running parallel with your body.
If you are unfamiliar with T-bar rows, also known as a landmine row, take a quick look at this video, as it will help you visualize what it is and what a good alternative should address.
When selecting a good T-bar row alternative, the exercise must work the same muscles in a similar way as the T-bar row, prevent too much strain on the back, allow you to lift heavier as you get stronger, and provide you with different ways to hold the implements.
The four factors to consider when selecting a T-bar row alternative are:
We're going to briefly explain the muscles worked in a T-bar row, as understanding this is crucial for finding an effective exercise replacement. If you're ready to get right to the exercises, keep scrolling.
Since a T-bar row is a horizontal pulling movement, multiple back muscles work together to bring the weight toward your body. These muscles are the:
Other secondary muscles used in a T-bar row (mainly to help stabilize during the movement) include the glutes, hamstrings, triceps, biceps, and abdominals.
The exercises we're about to get into take the four factors we just went over into consideration. Many of them will provide the opportunity for different grips, such as shoulder-width, close grip, wide grip, and even switching from an overhand grip to an underhand grip.
They also account for other important variables, like body positioning and load placement. By changing how your body is positioned (i.e. bent over, seated, standing) and where the load is placed (to the side of your body, in front of you, at your center, etc), you can emphasize certain muscles and stress the muscles differently.
With this in mind, the 9 best t-bar row alternatives are:
When picking the exercises that will work best for you, keep equipment in mind, particularly if you work out at home or your gym doesn't have certain things. The good news is that while traditional T-bar rows require a landmine attachment, barbell and plates, or a machine, many of these alternatives are much more versatile when it comes to the equipment needed.
Remember, the best exercises are the ones you're actually able to do!
Single arm dumbbell rows allow you to work the back muscles in a unilateral fashion, which can also help point out asymmetries that may need to be addressed. Single arm rows are also good if you need a bit more support throughout your core and lower back (hence the use of the bench) while still allowing you to pull the dumbbell appropriately.
Another great thing is that you have freedom of grip and movement with this T-bar row alternative. The exercise allows you to use an overhand, neutral, or underhand grip and you can pull toward your hips, side abdominal area, or even up near your chest (by doing this you will change the muscles emphasized - i.e. pulling low toward your hips with a neutral is more lats and pulling up higher toward your chest with an overhand grip is more upper back).
How to do the Single Arm Row:
Muscles targeted: Lats, rhomboids, erector spinae, trapezius, posterior delts, teres major/minor
The inverted row is a bodyweight row and one of the Best Bodyweight Back Exercises around. Think of inverted rows like a horizontal pull up. It is going to work all the same muscles as other rows and is surprisingly effective for building up your back.
You can alter the difficulty of this T-bar row alternative, making it easier by placing your knees at about a 90-degree angle or harder by laying your body straight out with your legs extended or even harder by placing them up on a platform like a bench so that your body and legs are completely parallel with the ground.
Pro-tip: Be sure to maximize your range of motion with this t-bar row alternative, going all the way down with full scapula protraction and up as high as you can maximizing scapula retraction.
How to do the Inverted Row:
Muscles targeted: Lats, rhomboids, erector spinae, trapezius, posterior delts, teres minor, infraspinatus
Barbell rows can be more challenging that a T-bar row, since you’re in complete control of the bar and how far you want to move through your range of motion. It can also serve to challenge your core a bit more, since you have to stabilize yourself in that forward hinge rather than leaning back into the leverage of the landmine.
Be careful not to load this exercise too much too soon, especially if you are dealing with a lower back injury. Perfect that form and technique before increasing resistance!
Pro-Tip: Utilize different grips - close, wide, underhand, and overhand.
How to do the Barbell Row:
Muscles targeted: Lats, rhomboids, erector spinae, trapezius, posterior delts, teres minor and major, infraspinatus
If you have access to a TRX suspension trainer, you will want to add this row variation to your routine! It is the same concept as the inverted row, but the suspension trainer provides uniqueness in that the handles are free and unstable. This will cause you to work harder to stabilize as you row. You can also change your grip from overhand and underhand to neutral as well.
This T-bar row alternative can be made more challenging (or easier) by adjusting how close you stand to the anchor point. Walking your feet further in will make it easier, while walking your feet away from the anchor makes it harder. Lifting your feet off the ground to make your body more parallel with the floor will also make it harder.
Play around with your angles and see what is going to give you the most bang for your buck with the TRX row!
How to do the TRX Row:
Muscles targeted: Lats, trapezius, rhomboids, deltoids
Underhand bent over barbell rows are a great variation of the row, and one of my favorite Barbell Back Exercises, as it allows you to increase range of motion and hit the lats and biceps more, similar to a neutral grip T-bar row using a v-handle.
You'll likely notice that you can lift more weight with this variation of the bent over barbell row. This is great for maximizing load and building strength, but be careful! The lower back has to stabilize appropriately for you to hold the weight correctly, so add weight with caution and ensure that you are moving correctly before progressing.
How to do the Underhand Barbell Row:
Muscles targeted: Lats, trapezius, posterior delts, rhomboids, teres major/minor, erector spinae
A renegade row is an excellent pulling exercise, and it gives you bonus work by activating your glutes, core, shoulders, and even chest. It's a great total body exercise.
With a ton of stabilizing happening in this movement, you have to focus on not only retracting the shoulder blades and letting your back do the work to pull, but you also have to ensure that you aren’t twisting the upper body to get the dumbbell off of the floor.
Pro-Tip: If you do upper body workouts or chest/back days, then add a push up in every rep too to turn this into a chest and back exercise!
How to do a Renegade Row:
Muscles targeted: Lats, trapezius, rhomboids, teres major/minor, deltoids, erector spinae
A high row can be done with a cable machine or a machine high row. Like a close-grip T-bar row, the high row emphasizes the lats while also getting a great activation in the rhomboids and traps.
It is essentially a hybrid between a horizontal pull and a vertical pull, it is an exercise most people don't do, yet should be doing!
How to do the High Row:
Muscles targeted: Lats, trapezius, rhomboids, teres major/minor, deltoids
While the below describes how to do a seated row using a cable machine, some machines are specifically made for a rowing motion – you can use these as well.
One thing the machine provides that the cable machine won't is chest support. A chest supported row is a great T-bar row alternative as they place focus on the pulling motion while keeping very strict form, as you can cheat by using your torso for momentum if you are pressing your chest into the pad.
How to do a Seated Cable Row:
Muscles targeted: Lats, trapezius, rhomboids, teres major/minor
While this last (but certainly not least) exercise might have you questioning if it’s actually for the back, it totally is! The range of motion of the shoulder blades is crucial to everyday activities – think, throwing, anything requiring stabilization, etc. – and this “lighter” movement can certainly get the upper back muscles firing.
Moreover, it will teach you how to properly protract and retract your shoulder blades when doing other rowing exercises.
How to do a Scapular Push Up:
Muscles targeted: Lats, trapezius, rhomboids, teres major/minor, posterior delts, serratus anterior, erector spinae
The T-bar row (along with its many alternatives) can be done by anyone, whether you're a novice exerciser or elite athlete, thanks to its load potential. When you're first starting with a T-Bar Row or one of its alternatives, begin with light weights to ensure you're using proper lifting form and technique.
Generally speaking, muscle mass can be built in any rep range. But, these are some basic guidelines to follow when you're programming exercises:
In addition, if you're targeting strength, place this exercise at the beginning of your workout. If you're programming your t-bar row alternatives for hypertrophy, they should follow any strength exercises you have in your routine. Endurance training should come at the end of your workout, after strength and hypertrophy exercises.
For a bodyweight exercise, use a slow tempo and really try to maximize time under tension if you want to build muscle. Aim for around 15-20 sets total per week for back (this includes all your pulling exercises and can be split up into two or three sessions each week).
If any of these T-bar row alternative exercises are new to you, start low and slow! Many require a lot of stabilization and strength throughout the lower back, so ensuring that you can maintain proper form and technique is key before adding a ton of weight.
While the T-bar row is a fantastic exercise for thickening and strengthening the upper back, sometimes you need (or want) an alternative – and these 9 exercises can get you there.
Work them individually into a routine, or pick and choose the ones that suit you and your training goals the best. Whichever way you utilize them, make sure that you are moving correctly and safely, and you are sure to notice some increases in both strength and size throughout your back!
Interested in learning more about the T-bar row? Check out our T-Bar Row Exercise Guide! Want to follow a routine featuring the T-bar row and some of its alternatives? Head to our article on Arnold Schwarzenegger's Back Workout!
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Garett Reid